Baptism |

Baptism is the sacrament of membership in the Christian church. St. Andrew's baptizes infants and adults. Those seeking baptism are encouraged to talk with the clergy and to complete a form requesting baptism. To make things easier for young families, preparation for baptism can take place in your home or at church, whichever is more convenient for you.
There are several special holy days in the Church Year that are appropriate for baptism: Easter; Pentecost; All Saints' Sunday (near 1 November) and Baptism of Christ (mid-January). Adults seeking baptism would later be confirmed by the Bishop during the Episcopal Visitation which occurs every two years. When babies are baptized, parents and godparents (sponsors) speak on the child’s behalf.
What’s infant baptism all about?
Baptism is a sign of God’s love for us.
Your baby’s birth is a time for celebration and joy. So is your baby’s baptism (or christening). When you smile at your baby, it brings him or her to life: s/he may start to chuckle and wriggle. God’s smile comes in baptism. It is the sign that every sin is forgiven and that we are precious to our heavenly Father.
Your faith is important.
Your baby was born with your features and will pick up your mannerisms. As s/he gets older, your child will grow up, too, with your faith. Parents can best prepare for their child’s baptism by looking at the role of God in their own lives. If you don’t come regularly to church, your baby can still be baptized at Saint Andrew’s, but please pause and think about why you want your baby baptized, and consider joining us on Sundays. There is no better gift you can give to children than the opportunity to learn about God and God’s love for them.
Baptism is a birth into the family of God.
Your baby’s baptism marks the beginning of his or her Christian journey. When your baby is washed in the waters of baptism, s/he becomes a child of God -- like Jesus Christ himself. St. Andrew’s Church welcomes your child into its midst with love and prayers for the future peace and happiness of your family.
Godparents support the parents in bringing up the child in the Christian faith. They should stay in close touch over the years and be people your child can admire and follow. Usually there are three godparents: two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite sex. To have more than three is possible, but quality is better than quantity, and five an absolute limit. Godparents must be baptized. It is good if they are also confirmed, but this is not essential. Godparents may belong to any Christian church.
What if the baby doesn’t live locally?
It is important that baptism takes place where the child resides. The newly baptized is welcomed into a church community where s/he will be nurtured in faith. That link with the local church is important. If an unexpected or even tragic event occurs in the future, there is a pastoral connection to the local church so that support and prayer can be offered. If a child to be baptized does not live locally, it is seldom appropriate for baptism to take place at St. Andrew’s, no matter how committed the grandparents may be to this church. Very few exceptions are made to this rule. The parents are advised to contact their Episcopal Church at home.
What if I’m unmarried?
Don’t worry. You and your baby will be welcomed at Saint Andrew’s.
How much does baptism cost?
Nothing. There is no charge for baptism, but no one will stop you from putting an offering on the collection plate!
Click here to download the form for infant baptism. Candidates for adult baptism should contact the Parish Administrator or the Rector. Information on Confirmation here.
There are several special holy days in the Church Year that are appropriate for baptism: Easter; Pentecost; All Saints' Sunday (near 1 November) and Baptism of Christ (mid-January). Adults seeking baptism would later be confirmed by the Bishop during the Episcopal Visitation which occurs every two years. When babies are baptized, parents and godparents (sponsors) speak on the child’s behalf.
What’s infant baptism all about?
Baptism is a sign of God’s love for us.
Your baby’s birth is a time for celebration and joy. So is your baby’s baptism (or christening). When you smile at your baby, it brings him or her to life: s/he may start to chuckle and wriggle. God’s smile comes in baptism. It is the sign that every sin is forgiven and that we are precious to our heavenly Father.
Your faith is important.
Your baby was born with your features and will pick up your mannerisms. As s/he gets older, your child will grow up, too, with your faith. Parents can best prepare for their child’s baptism by looking at the role of God in their own lives. If you don’t come regularly to church, your baby can still be baptized at Saint Andrew’s, but please pause and think about why you want your baby baptized, and consider joining us on Sundays. There is no better gift you can give to children than the opportunity to learn about God and God’s love for them.
Baptism is a birth into the family of God.
Your baby’s baptism marks the beginning of his or her Christian journey. When your baby is washed in the waters of baptism, s/he becomes a child of God -- like Jesus Christ himself. St. Andrew’s Church welcomes your child into its midst with love and prayers for the future peace and happiness of your family.
Godparents support the parents in bringing up the child in the Christian faith. They should stay in close touch over the years and be people your child can admire and follow. Usually there are three godparents: two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite sex. To have more than three is possible, but quality is better than quantity, and five an absolute limit. Godparents must be baptized. It is good if they are also confirmed, but this is not essential. Godparents may belong to any Christian church.
What if the baby doesn’t live locally?
It is important that baptism takes place where the child resides. The newly baptized is welcomed into a church community where s/he will be nurtured in faith. That link with the local church is important. If an unexpected or even tragic event occurs in the future, there is a pastoral connection to the local church so that support and prayer can be offered. If a child to be baptized does not live locally, it is seldom appropriate for baptism to take place at St. Andrew’s, no matter how committed the grandparents may be to this church. Very few exceptions are made to this rule. The parents are advised to contact their Episcopal Church at home.
What if I’m unmarried?
Don’t worry. You and your baby will be welcomed at Saint Andrew’s.
How much does baptism cost?
Nothing. There is no charge for baptism, but no one will stop you from putting an offering on the collection plate!
Click here to download the form for infant baptism. Candidates for adult baptism should contact the Parish Administrator or the Rector. Information on Confirmation here.