Weekend worship |
Worship is the source and summit of our Christian life. On Sunday morning we celebrate the Eucharist (also called Holy Communion, Mass, Lord’s Supper) where we encounter Christ in a special way.
At the Episcopal Church of Saint Andrew, everyone (without exception) is welcome at God’s table. Our 8 o’clock Eucharist uses Rite I of the Prayer Book with little or no music. the 8 o'clock service is held at Old St. Andrew's from Father's Day through Labor Day. Our 10 o’clock Eucharist includes the choir. Adults and children, we all worship together in a family-friendly service. Free nursery care is provided for children. This service may be viewed online here. Instructed Eucharist: An annotated copy of the Eucharist service may be found here. During Lent: The same Order of Worship is used on Sundays throughout Lent and is available to view or print here. Recently recorded services may be found here, and earlier services here. Recent sermons may be listened to on Soundcloud at St.Andrew's Episcopal Church Recorded. |