the Episcopal church of st. andrew
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, 9 february 2025
SUNDAY WORSHIP - We are an apostolic church: sent out to live God's love in the world. This Sunday we hear of Isaiah being overcome by God's glory and his own sinfulness but nevertheless being sent. And we hear Jesus calling the first disciples to be fishers of people. Clement Kigugu of Overcomers Refugee Services is scheduled to join us and to answer your questions at both coffee hours. The 10am service is live-streamed HERE and the Order of Worship for online viewers is HERE. Worship at St. Andrew's takes place whatever the weather (the rector has a pickup with a plow), but no one should compromise their safety in trying to attend, whatever role they may be scheduled to undertake on Sunday morning!
The flowers above the altar are given to the Glory of God by Karen Zurheide with ongoing gratitude for the inclusion and compassion offered to all people through this parish.
Happy Birthday this week to Bill Helm and Judy Wallace.
Overcomers Refugee Services (ORS), Just 35 miles from St. Andrew’s are the Concord offices of Overcomers Refugee Services (ORS), which is our February Last Sunday Offering recipient. ORS is a resource center serving about 250 refugee families annually with vital practical assistance, such as cultural orientation, guidance in obtaining employment, help with applications for economic aid, and preparation for achieving permanent residence and citizenship (possible five years after a refugee’s US arrival). ORS also provides resources to help New Americans heal from unimaginable traumatic experiences in their original homelands, as they integrate into their new settings in New Hampshire and engage as active community members. Clement Kigugu, founder of ORS and its Executive Director—and named to the 2024 Business 200 list as an exceptional leader in the Granite State—will be with us in worship services and coffee times this Sunday. He will be happy to answer our questions about his own life, including coming to our state in 2006 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda, and about ORS and the people it serves. You can support the mission of ORS at any time during the month by designating your gift for Outreach, with your contribution matched by our generous anonymous donors. You can also give online HERE.
Meeting for People Interested in Iona Pilgrimage - If you are interested in spending a week on the island of Iona off the western coast of Scotland from 18-25 April 2026, please attend an informational meeting this Tuesday in the parish hall at 5:15PM. A cradle of Celtic Christianity for 14 centuries, Iona is an oasis of rest and reflection. We'll stay at Bishop's House which offers accommodation for 23 people. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please email Alison Seward at [email protected] to register your interest.
We will stay at Bishop's House which offers accommodation for 23 people. If you are interested in joining us, please come to an informational meeting in the parish hall on Tuesday, 11 February at 5:15 PM (scheduled after Jared's Bible Study). If you are unable to attend this meeting, please email Alison Seward at [email protected] to register your interest. An initial deposit will be due in mid-April 2025.
This Tuesday's Bible Study with Jared and Jay from 4-5 pm will take place in-person in the parish hall. Please read Genesis 19, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in advance of the meeting. All of his sessions stand on their own, so even if you haven't joined us before, you are very welcome. Jared will be heading back to Jerusalem to lead in-person study tours in the Holy Land in due course, so we should savor these in-person teaching sessions! You can listen to an audio recording of last week's session HERE.
Other opportunities abound at St. Andrew's to deepen your faith.
Worship Arts Workshop - Join Jorge Lockward for a wonderful day of learning, singing and praying. Participants will travel for miles across state borders, but it's on your doorstep because we are hosting it! All welcome.
Bits & Bobs -
Lent Sundays for Your Calendar - Caring with Confidence Workshops from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm. See parish email for details or pick up a handout in the hallway.
Jay's email and texts: From time to time, scammers create a fraudulent email address similar to Jay's and send out "phishing emails" and texts that impersonate Jay and ask people to reply to the email. Please do not respond. I have two email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]. If you receive an email asking for a favor, or if the tone strikes you as a bit strange, please check the email address of the sender. And please know that I will not ask for favors, gift vouchers, or money via email. If you are in the slightest doubt, please do not respond to the email and call the office instead.
Monday Meditation at 6pm in the sanctuary. A snippet of scripture and a bit of music lead into 20 minutes of silent prayer.
Prayer List - Brianne, Carrigan, Khara, Rachel Canaday, Suzanne, Charles, the Shepherd family, Jennifer Anderson, Anne Watkins, Mary, Stephen, Bruce, Mary M., Serette Beauvoir, Laura, David S., David M., Anne Bailey, Mary Nell, Ann, Bennett Gray, Gary, Janet, Neisja, MaryAnne & Paul.
Pray for the repose of the soul of Kenny Wilk, recently departed.
Remember with thanksgiving those who died at this time in years past: Nathan Rowe, Allan Doyle, Barbara Hinman, Alline Floyd, Charles Flynn, Paul Cleveland, Florence Hoyt, George McLean.
Are You Caring for Someone with Dementia? Good Day Respite is a day program run by Lake Sunapee VNA that supports adults with mild to moderate memory loss and their caregivers. A Licensed Nursing Assistant oversees the program, which meets throughout the year on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Kearsarge Community Presbyterian Church in New London. Participants are dropped off by their caregivers at 10am and enjoy discussion, games, lunch, crafts, entertainment, and more. Volunteers help facilitate these activities, all of which provide stimulation and socialization for the program participants until their caregivers return to pick them up at 3pm. During the program’s five hours, caregivers of the participants have time for errands, activities, and a much-needed break, knowing their loved ones are in a safe and enjoyable place. The program fee is $50 per day, and scholarships are available for those in need. If you are caring for an individual with dementia, Lake Sunapee VNA can help you determine if the program is right for you. For more information or to set up a time to visit the program, call 603-526-4077.
Feeling Called? Jay spoke about our calling to serve God. If you would like to help lead our worship, our Verger Anne Hall would love to hear from you ([email protected]). There are openings for ushers, acolytes, lectors and chalice bearers. Training is provided. If you would like to learn how to craft the Prayers of the People for Sunday morning worship and take a turn composing them every few months, please be in touch with Jay ([email protected]).
Christian Formation - Opportunities abound at St. Andrew's and in the wider Episcopal Church to deepen your faith.
Goings On About Town
Invitation to Craft Group on Tuesdays - Please join us Tuesdays at 9:30 in the parish hall after winter break. You might:
Openings on Our Altar Guild - St. Andrew's Altar Guild always welcomes new members. If you are looking for a quiet way to be more involved in church activities, please contact JoAnn Hicks or Becky Rylander.
Our Thrift Shop is looking for a few good volunteers to help a couple of hours per week. Please contact Jackie Thompson if you can help (603.526.8979)
The flowers above the altar are given to the Glory of God by Karen Zurheide with ongoing gratitude for the inclusion and compassion offered to all people through this parish.
Happy Birthday this week to Bill Helm and Judy Wallace.
Overcomers Refugee Services (ORS), Just 35 miles from St. Andrew’s are the Concord offices of Overcomers Refugee Services (ORS), which is our February Last Sunday Offering recipient. ORS is a resource center serving about 250 refugee families annually with vital practical assistance, such as cultural orientation, guidance in obtaining employment, help with applications for economic aid, and preparation for achieving permanent residence and citizenship (possible five years after a refugee’s US arrival). ORS also provides resources to help New Americans heal from unimaginable traumatic experiences in their original homelands, as they integrate into their new settings in New Hampshire and engage as active community members. Clement Kigugu, founder of ORS and its Executive Director—and named to the 2024 Business 200 list as an exceptional leader in the Granite State—will be with us in worship services and coffee times this Sunday. He will be happy to answer our questions about his own life, including coming to our state in 2006 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda, and about ORS and the people it serves. You can support the mission of ORS at any time during the month by designating your gift for Outreach, with your contribution matched by our generous anonymous donors. You can also give online HERE.
Meeting for People Interested in Iona Pilgrimage - If you are interested in spending a week on the island of Iona off the western coast of Scotland from 18-25 April 2026, please attend an informational meeting this Tuesday in the parish hall at 5:15PM. A cradle of Celtic Christianity for 14 centuries, Iona is an oasis of rest and reflection. We'll stay at Bishop's House which offers accommodation for 23 people. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please email Alison Seward at [email protected] to register your interest.
We will stay at Bishop's House which offers accommodation for 23 people. If you are interested in joining us, please come to an informational meeting in the parish hall on Tuesday, 11 February at 5:15 PM (scheduled after Jared's Bible Study). If you are unable to attend this meeting, please email Alison Seward at [email protected] to register your interest. An initial deposit will be due in mid-April 2025.
This Tuesday's Bible Study with Jared and Jay from 4-5 pm will take place in-person in the parish hall. Please read Genesis 19, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in advance of the meeting. All of his sessions stand on their own, so even if you haven't joined us before, you are very welcome. Jared will be heading back to Jerusalem to lead in-person study tours in the Holy Land in due course, so we should savor these in-person teaching sessions! You can listen to an audio recording of last week's session HERE.
Other opportunities abound at St. Andrew's to deepen your faith.
- Our Lent course this year, Caring with Confidence, consists of six Sunday workshops (beginning 9 March) from 11:30 - 12:45.
- Faith & Issues meets via Zoom on Saturday mornings from 9:00 - 10:30. The Rev'd Katrina Wagner convenes and coordinates the group. You can contact her at [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about the group and the next book they'll be reading.
- The brainchild of Alison Seward, our "Composing a Life" book group first met in January 2023. Taking its title from Mary Catherine Bateson, the group explores a range of topics related to living well in the last decades of life. Join Alison and others on Monday, 27 January at 10 am or Wednesday, 29 January at 4 pm to discuss Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants.
- If you are unable to join us for Midday Prayer at 12 noon in church on weekdays, a group meets online. Please contact Anne Hall ([email protected]) for the Zoom link.
- There are many online prayer tools, but for brevity and quality, Jay highly recommends this 12-minute daily offering: pray-as-you-go.org for your phone or computer.
- The Lectionary Page sets out the Bible passages read in worship on Sundays and other holy days HERE.
Worship Arts Workshop - Join Jorge Lockward for a wonderful day of learning, singing and praying. Participants will travel for miles across state borders, but it's on your doorstep because we are hosting it! All welcome.
Bits & Bobs -
- We raised $10,628 for Warm Welcome Shelter at Trinity Episcopal Church in Claremont. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! If you're interested in volunteering for a hospitality shift (7-9am or 8:45-10:45pm), please be in touch with Zadiah Eisenberg, Trinity's pastoral and community worker, at [email protected].
- Please make a point of putting on your name tag before worship. Among other things, it allows us to greet each other by name at the Peace. If you don't have a name tag, there's a little sign up sheet by the kitchen door. Thanks
- There will be a gathering of newcomers to church on Sunday, 16 February from 9:00 - 9:55 am. If you’ve started attending church in the last year or so, please join us for an informal orientation and a chance to ask questions and tour the building.
- Rather further afield, the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Israel's Negev Desert embodies the cross-community cooperation on which a lasting peace in Israel/Palestine depends. If you're a cycling enthusiast, you might enjoy the Arava Institute's Israel Ride from 28 October - 3 November 2025. Led by (who else?) Jared Goldfarb, there are five days of biking with route options for recreational, experienced, and non-riders. All routes are fully supported with plentiful local food, wonderful crew and mechanics, and great overnight locations. Few tourists venture into the Negev desert, but it's arguably the most beautiful part of Israel. Learn about the desert's ecological challenges and support the Arava Institute. More information HERE.
- Have You Picked Up the Wrong Coat? Ladies, please check your closets! This women's, black, size large coat was left on Sunday and the wrong one taken. Please call the office 603-526-6344 to claim your coat and return the other which is greatly missed!
- Jay presides at worship services at Sunapee Cove at 1:30 pm on the third Sunday of every month and at 11:00 am at Woodcrest Village on the first Tuesday of alternate months. He'd love to be accompanied this Tuesday (3 December) at Woodcrest by a church member with a strong singing voice.
- Sacred Ground dialogue circles will start this Fall. Learn more about Sacred Ground HERE. To sign up for the Tri-Dio Sacred Ground series, click HERE.
- 29 July marked the 50th anniversary of the ordination of the "Philadelphia 11" -- the first women ordained as priests in the Episcopal Church. Churches can host a showing of the film The Philadelphia 11. We are trying to gauge the interest. Please email the Rev'd Lucretia Jevne at [email protected] if you would attend.
- Contact Karen Zurheide if you are interested in a pilgrimage from Porto, Portugal to Santiago de Compostela in Spain in late April 2025. You can find more information HERE.
Lent Sundays for Your Calendar - Caring with Confidence Workshops from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm. See parish email for details or pick up a handout in the hallway.
Jay's email and texts: From time to time, scammers create a fraudulent email address similar to Jay's and send out "phishing emails" and texts that impersonate Jay and ask people to reply to the email. Please do not respond. I have two email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]. If you receive an email asking for a favor, or if the tone strikes you as a bit strange, please check the email address of the sender. And please know that I will not ask for favors, gift vouchers, or money via email. If you are in the slightest doubt, please do not respond to the email and call the office instead.
Monday Meditation at 6pm in the sanctuary. A snippet of scripture and a bit of music lead into 20 minutes of silent prayer.
Prayer List - Brianne, Carrigan, Khara, Rachel Canaday, Suzanne, Charles, the Shepherd family, Jennifer Anderson, Anne Watkins, Mary, Stephen, Bruce, Mary M., Serette Beauvoir, Laura, David S., David M., Anne Bailey, Mary Nell, Ann, Bennett Gray, Gary, Janet, Neisja, MaryAnne & Paul.
Pray for the repose of the soul of Kenny Wilk, recently departed.
Remember with thanksgiving those who died at this time in years past: Nathan Rowe, Allan Doyle, Barbara Hinman, Alline Floyd, Charles Flynn, Paul Cleveland, Florence Hoyt, George McLean.
Are You Caring for Someone with Dementia? Good Day Respite is a day program run by Lake Sunapee VNA that supports adults with mild to moderate memory loss and their caregivers. A Licensed Nursing Assistant oversees the program, which meets throughout the year on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Kearsarge Community Presbyterian Church in New London. Participants are dropped off by their caregivers at 10am and enjoy discussion, games, lunch, crafts, entertainment, and more. Volunteers help facilitate these activities, all of which provide stimulation and socialization for the program participants until their caregivers return to pick them up at 3pm. During the program’s five hours, caregivers of the participants have time for errands, activities, and a much-needed break, knowing their loved ones are in a safe and enjoyable place. The program fee is $50 per day, and scholarships are available for those in need. If you are caring for an individual with dementia, Lake Sunapee VNA can help you determine if the program is right for you. For more information or to set up a time to visit the program, call 603-526-4077.
Feeling Called? Jay spoke about our calling to serve God. If you would like to help lead our worship, our Verger Anne Hall would love to hear from you ([email protected]). There are openings for ushers, acolytes, lectors and chalice bearers. Training is provided. If you would like to learn how to craft the Prayers of the People for Sunday morning worship and take a turn composing them every few months, please be in touch with Jay ([email protected]).
Christian Formation - Opportunities abound at St. Andrew's and in the wider Episcopal Church to deepen your faith.
- Faith & Issues meets via Zoom on Saturday mornings from 9:00 - 10:30. The Rev'd Katrina Wagner convenes and coordinates the group. You can contact her at [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about the group. They are taking a break over the summer and will meet again in September.
- If you are unable to join us for Midday Prayer at 12 noon in church on weekdays, a group meets online. Please contact Anne Hall ([email protected]) for the Zoom link.
- There are many online prayer tools, but for brevity and quality, Jay highly recommends this 12-minute daily offering: pray-as-you-go.org for your phone or computer.
- The Rev'd Celeste Hemingson offers a weekly Bible study on Zoom that looks at the upcoming Sunday readings. You can contact Celeste at [email protected].
- The Lectionary Page sets out the Bible passages read in worship on Sundays and other holy days HERE.
Goings On About Town
Invitation to Craft Group on Tuesdays - Please join us Tuesdays at 9:30 in the parish hall after winter break. You might:
- work on a project to sell at our Summer Fair or St. Nicholas Fair;
- work on you own project;
- see what others are creating and maybe try something new (one week clay earrings were made using a pasta machine!)
- enjoy lively conversation
- The coffee will be on!
Openings on Our Altar Guild - St. Andrew's Altar Guild always welcomes new members. If you are looking for a quiet way to be more involved in church activities, please contact JoAnn Hicks or Becky Rylander.
Our Thrift Shop is looking for a few good volunteers to help a couple of hours per week. Please contact Jackie Thompson if you can help (603.526.8979)