Becoming a Member
Download church membership form here.
Saint Andrew's episcopal church
If you’re looking for easy, clear-cut answers, you may be disappointed. At Saint Andrew’s, we live with the questions and seek the deeper truths as we journey with Jesus. Membership is more about incorporation into a community than conformity to a credal formula or adherence to a set of rules. Our mission statement define us: “We are learning to walk with Jesus in the way of love.”
Feel free to loiter on the edges, and when you’re ready to move along with Jesus and with us, you can consider these steps in any order and at your own pace:
Feel free to loiter on the edges, and when you’re ready to move along with Jesus and with us, you can consider these steps in any order and at your own pace:
- Filling in the pew card with your name and contact details so that we can keep in touch and create a name tag;
- Attending a workshop, bible study, prayer group or Christian education course;
- Turning up to our Craft Group on a Tuesday morning or a Men’s Breakfast on a Saturday morning;
- Coming to Midday Prayer, Monday Meditation or Thursday Eucharist;
- Volunteering at the Thrift Shop or another ministry project;
- Being baptized, confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church (or requesting a letter of transfer from another Episcopal Church);
- Pledging money to St. Andrew’s to fund our ministry and mission;
- Filling in a form to qualify as a voting member at the Annual Meeting;
- Serving as an usher, reader, intercessor or server on Sunday;
- Providing refreshments after our Sunday services;
- Supporting our mission and outreach by volunteering with the Thrift Shop, Messy Church, Food Pantry, Friendly Kitchen, or Altar Guild;
- Taking part in a pilgrimage or service trip.